In honor of Mike Tetlow...
Mike Telow in his classroom at St. Paul's Catholic School Jax Beach, FL |
From Nicol's Desk:
Yesterday we lost a man who is irreplaceable, Mike Tetlow. He was the middle school religion teacher at St. Paul's Catholic School in Jacksonville Beach, FL. What
made him an unique brother in Christ and teacher was the fact he was a
quadriplegic. He was in a car accident which left him paralyzed. Though he didn't choose his life to be this way, he never stopped living life to the best of his ability. Prior to his accident he taught through out the St. Augustine Dioceses and impacted many lives. Mr. Tetlow has lived longer than most had anticipated,
but over the last few years his health started to deteriorate. We all
knew that some day he would pass, but no one expected it to be this sudden.
Many are extremely sad to see that he has left us,
but we all know he is in heaven out of his wheel chair and walking
around with Jesus The overwhelming response to his passing, has been nothing but beautiful. He didn't settle for anything less and he expected that from his
students. He did not let his "disability" prevent him from fulfilling
the plan God had for him. Many of his students could attest to his
love for Jesus and the Church. Reflecting on his life, there were some questions I began to ask myself... Am I fulfilling God's plan in my
life? Are my words and actions leading people to Christ? Am I working
towards helping to build the Kingdom of God everyday? I asked
myself all of this, because this is exactly what Mr. Tetlow did! In my
humble opinion, Mr. Tetlow was a saint here on Earth. He wasn't perfect
and he would admit that he was a sinner in need of Christ and His
Church. That is a saint... A sinner that keeps on trying... Thank you Mr. Tetlow for leading many of your brothers and sisters in Christ back to our Heavenly Father! You will be missed by many.
During the month of November, let us all take time to reflect on our life and see how much we have to be thankful for. Maybe even let people in your life know how thankful you are for their presence in your life. At Lumen the crew is thankful for all of your spiritual and financial support! You all are in our prayers and please continue to keep us in your prayers.
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